SS 13

For Kevin Lynch, “the image of the en­vi­ron­ment” is formed by a se­lec­tive process. Thereby, “the en­vi­ron­ment sug­gests dis­tinc­tions and re­la­tions, and the ob­server – with great adapt­abil­ity (…) – se­lects, or­ga­nizes, and en­dows with mean­ing what he sees.”1.The process de­scribed by Lynch stays un­con­scious and in­di­vid­ual. In con­trast, Klee de­mands a con­scious in­volve­ment with per­cep­tion: “Art doesn’t dis­play the vis­i­ble, but ren­ders vis­i­ble.” (free trans­la­tion)2.

Thus the mod­ule links two learn­ing ap­proaches:

  • Based on se­lected ex­am­ples dif­fer­ent meth­ods of rep­re­sen­ta­tion shall be analysed and prac­ticed. Each of them of­fers dif­fer­ent ap­proaches to ex­am­ine a par­tic­u­lar ob­ject of study and thereby sharpen one’s own per­cep­tion. Ad­di­tional brief ex­cur­suses to the re­spec­tive artists and their oeu­vres are sched­uled.
  • The ac­quired tech­niques are con­nected to par­tic­u­larly se­lected point of views. They shall be used to ex­am­ine and rep­re­sent dif­fer­ent places in Han­nover. Idio­syn­crasies of the re­spec­tive places are thereby learned from a new per­spec­tive.

In the course of the se­mes­ter, ana­logue and dig­i­tal work tech­niques and their con­nec­tion will be trained.

1Lynch, Kevin (1960): The Image of the City. The M.I.T. Press; Cam­bridge, Mass­a­chu­setts, and Lon­don, Eng­land

2Klee, Paul (1920): Schöpferische Kon­fes­sio­nen, in Paul Klee: Kunst-Lehre, Leipzig 1987, S.60

Au­thor/sAnn-Christin Ar­i­ans, René Klin­ner, Milan von Moeller, Zhiyuan Peng, Lina Reulecke